23. I kept this framed picture, one of my favorites from the wedding, on my desk at work the whole time I worked at G&W. For a little while, I was working this weird shift of three 12-hour days every week, Thursday through Saturday from 6am to 6pm. So every Saturday, it would just be me and one other engineer with the whole office to ourselves. I’m pretty sure I was breaking rules, but Erin used to come see me every now and then during these Saturdays and we would have lunch in the office. Sometimes we would find a dark conference room out of the way somewhere and I KNOW we were breaking rules in there. Anyway, one of the times she came to see me, she was sitting on my desk and wrote “I love you!” on a post-it note and stuck it to my picture. Such a simple little thing, but like so many of the small things that she did for me, it meant so much. I never took that note off of that picture for the rest of the years I worked at G&W. When the adhesive of the note started to wear off, I taped it back up. Every time I looked at that picture, which was often, I would also look at that note and see this reminder of her love for me and of our fun times when we had the whole office to ourselves.
What a beautiful way to honor Erin on her birthday. Thank you for continuing to keep her spirit alive and always sharing your love for her. Your words are genuine and thoughtful, something she always appreciated. The coffee mugs were a Christmas gift from me, with the thought you guys would each have one. She could not wait to use them, Lol. The pure vulgarity alone was enough to make that mug her favorite! Love you Aaron, I think of you, and her every day. -Jen
Thank you, Jen! I thought they were a gift and I’m happy to know they were from you. I’m keeping her vulgarity alive and still using that mug these days. I love and think about you, too, and I know that she lives on in your heart, so thank you for keeping her spirit alive, as well.
How much does that blade cost I have one and don’t know what it’s worth