Happy Birthday, Erin (multi-page)

32. For the final memory from my box full of Erin’s things, I’ve got a bunch of Erin’s drawings. Erin was very artistic in a lot of ways and brought that artfulness to everything she did, whether it was her writing, her makeup, her clothes, decorating our home, the food she made, or just the way she lived her life. But she also liked to draw a bit and here’s a picture of a few things that she drew, whether in notes to me in high school or in a sketchbook she always kept. She was always quick to downplay and say that she had no real talent, and I’m not saying she was Rembrandt, but I always enjoyed her drawings and this is just a small fraction of everything she did over the years that I knew her.

3 Replies to “Happy Birthday, Erin (multi-page)”

  1. What a beautiful way to honor Erin on her birthday. Thank you for continuing to keep her spirit alive and always sharing your love for her. Your words are genuine and thoughtful, something she always appreciated. The coffee mugs were a Christmas gift from me, with the thought you guys would each have one. She could not wait to use them, Lol. The pure vulgarity alone was enough to make that mug her favorite! Love you Aaron, I think of you, and her every day. -Jen

    1. Thank you, Jen! I thought they were a gift and I’m happy to know they were from you. I’m keeping her vulgarity alive and still using that mug these days. I love and think about you, too, and I know that she lives on in your heart, so thank you for keeping her spirit alive, as well.

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